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Buy Generic XlashDescriptionIt’s hard to bat your eyelashes when there’s not much there to bat. If you want more noticeable eyelashes, but don’t want to mess around with curlers, cosmetics or false eyelashes, consider Bimatoprost. The once-a-day topical solution works as well as Xlash for a fraction of the cost. Sexier eyelashes without the hassle – it’s like a dream come true! Note: Includes 1 FREE Applicator Brush ![]()
Longing for longer eyelashes? Noticeable eyelashes can turn an ordinary face into something extraordinary. But getting longer, lusher, darker eyelashes isn’t as easy as you think. Eyelash curlers require steady hands and nerves of steel, qualities most of us don’t have. Volumizing mascara is a better option. But it’s expensive, and you end up spending too much time and money searching for the right brand and shade. So what’s a woman or man with nearly invisible eyelashes to do? Why not give Bimatoprost a try? Bimatoprost is generic Xlash, an easy-to-apply solution that helps eyelashes grow longer, fuller and darker. And best of all, Bimatoprost does all the work so you don’t have to. Simply apply the solution topically once per day to the upper eyelid only using the included applicator. That’s it. After about 20 applications, you will need a new applicator, which you can purchase here at 4rx.com in your choice of 30- or 60-count packages. Alternatively, you can apply Bimatoprost with an ordinary cotton swab. Just remember to properly dispose the swab after application. Should you tire of your longer, lusher eyelashes, simply discontinue use. Over time you will notice a gradual return to normal eyelash growth. Lots of people use Bimatoprost cosmetically to enhance the appearance of their eyelashes. But people diagnosed with glaucoma also use Bimatoprost to help reduce interocular pressure. At 4rx.com, we realize that you may be leery about buying generic equivalents of brand-name drugs. That’s why we are proud to offer our 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed policy. Of course we hope you are happy with your purchase. But if you are not, we will gladly refund 100% of your order value – including the cost of shipping. All we ask is that you contact a 4rx.com customer service specialist by calling 1-877-7-BUY-4RX within 15 days of receiving your order. ![]() |