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Eflornithine CreamDescriptionIs facial hair frightening all the good men away? Whether caused by ethnicity, hormones or old fashioned bad luck, coarse dark hair doesn’t belong on a woman’s face. But removing it is risky. So what’s a woman with unwanted facial hair to do? How about slowing its growth with Eflornithine Cream! ![]()
Tired of hearing people ask when you’re going to shave your facial hair? The question isn’t so bad if you’re a man. But when you’re a woman, the question is embarrassing. Women already have plenty of body parts to shave and they shouldn’t have to worry about ridding themselves of facial hair, too. Unfortunately some women don’t have a choice. Their facial hair is thick, sometimes dark, and always noticeable. If this describes your facial hair, you probably don’t like it. You probably also don’t like your unwanted facial hair being the subject of light-hearted jokes meant to be funny but instead are only hurtful. Who knew unwanted facial hair could be so upsetting? Even more upsetting are the removal options. You could act like a man and shave, but that’s a little too harsh for most women. You could pluck, but that’s painful. You could invest in over-the-counter hair removal products. They’re cheap and somewhat effective, if used properly. But there is one option that’s safe and effective for treating a condition called facial hirsutism and that is Eflornithine cream. Eflornithine Cream works by blocking an enzyme found in hair follicles that promotes facial hair growth. With the enzyme blocked, hair growth is slowed. Eflornithine Cream can be applied topically to affected areas of the face and under the chin. A thin layer is all that’s required. Rub the cream in and allow it to remain on skin at least four hours before washing. If you know other women who struggle with unwanted facial hair, why not order your Eflornithine Cream from an online pharmacy that lets you earn credit towards future orders by referring new customers? You’ll find a very generous referral program at 4rx.com. Check it out today! ![]() |