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Varenicline TartrateDescriptionAre you looking to kick your smoking habit right in the butt? Before you light up and suck the fumes of burning leaves and difficult-to-pronounce chemicals into your lungs one more time, check out Varenicline Tartrate, the generic brand of Champix. Champix is the pill that creates the will to stop smoking painlessly. ![]()
You know smoking is bad for you. Everyone tells you so, especially your doctor. Non-smoking friends and family are usually quick to give their opinions, too. Even cigarette manufactures try to inform you of the potential harm by printing warnings right on the package. “Smoking causes cancer” reads one. “Smoking can cause a slow and painful death” reads another. “Don’t let your children breathe your smoke” warns yet another. In an effort to make the messages more effective, these warnings have gotten graphic, with many displaying grotesque images of cancer, gum disease and other serious health problems that can result from smoking. Yet despite all the warnings, you keep on smoking. Why? It’s not because you’re stupid, that’s for sure. The reason you can’t quit is probably because you’re addicted. If there’s any doubt cigarettes are addictive, just read the warning labels. Proof is right there in big, bold letters. If you’ve ever tried to quit smoking, you know it’s difficult – painfully difficult. Withdrawal symptoms can kick in after just a few hours of not smoking. Once the need for nicotine gets so strong the only way to stop it is by lighting up. And so you do, and that ends yet another attempt to quit. Frustrating, isn’t it? That’s why there’s Varenicline Tartrate, the generic equivalent to Champix that’s just as effective in helping cigarette smokers kick that nasty habit once and for all. The way Champix works is by binding to the brain’s nicotine receptors to help reduce withdrawal symptoms. Champix also reduces the satisfaction a smoker derives from cigarette smoking. Champix comes in tablet form with different dosages that must be taken as directed to be effective. Plenty of online pharmacies sell Champix, but 4rx.com also offers 24/7/365 telephone support from a real live human. You can’t beat that, or their prices! ![]() |