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DutasterideSold Under Brand Name: DugenNotice anything different about your head? Look closely and you’ll see it. Or perhaps you won’t. Either way you see it, a frightening pattern is emerging. It’s called male pattern baldness and it is a situation that most men mistakenly believe is irreversible. If that’s what you think, you obviously don’t know about Dutasteride. ![]()
One morning you wake up and it’s there, right where it belongs. But then something happens. Morning after morning, you look in the mirror and notice there isn’t quite as much as there used to be. It’s an alarming sight; one that takes many men by surprise. Imagine waking up one morning and realizing you are losing your hair. What would you do? Crying won’t help. Cursing the reflection in the mirror won’t do any good. Pulling out more hair in frustration will only worsen the problem, so that’s not a good option, either. Something you could do is what lots of balding men are already doing – you could start using Dutasteride, a drug that many people know by its more common name, generic Dugen. Dutasteride is a medication that helps men with premature baldness, and it works. This product is also one of our top sellers. Why? Because early research has shown it is effective at preventing men from losing their hair. Plus, Dutasteride aids in replenishing whatever "leftover hair" you still have! Initially developed to treat men with an enlarged prostate due to excess conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, researchers soon realized that the same conversion process triggered male pattern baldness. By inhibiting this conversion, it was discovered that Dutasteride can alleviate both problems. Generic Dugen is readily available at your neighborhood pharmacy. But that won’t help when you wake up at 3 a.m., glance in the mirror, and are overcome by what you see – or more appropriately, what you don’t see. Around the clock customer service available seven days a week is why so many men order their Dutasteride from 4rx.com. When you order Dutasteride from 4rx.com, you won’t have to lose sleep over hair loss! ![]() |