The ulcer therapy drug Tagamet contains the active ingredient Cimetidine, which is also the generic name of its alternatives. Tagamet has been formulated for the preventive and maintenance treatment of patients who have ulcers of the stomach and small intestine. Doctors also prescribe it for curing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and certain other stomach and throat issues that are causes by an overflow of stomach acid. Timely intervention with this medicine, which has received FDA approval for both prescription and over the counter sale, can help prevent serious acid damage to your digestive system. There are number of studies, forums, and FAQs available that provide information about this medication and you can find most of these online with ease.
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Frequently asked Questions about Cimetidine / Tagamet
How does Tagamet / Cimetidine work?
Tagamet belongs to the class of drugs commonly described as H2 receptor blockers, which inhibit excessive acid secretion in the stomach. Cimetidine contains an imidazole ring and is chemically related to histamine. It works by blocking the effect of histamine, which is responsible for enhanced acid release in the stomach. By blocking histamine, Cimetidine effectively stops acid release in the stomach from overflowing.
Side Effects of Cimetidine
Most patients experience some Tagamet side effects, which can be mild or severe depending on patient physiology and the dosage taken. Among the milder side effects are included headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and diarrhea. Tagamet side effects such as mood changes, trouble urinating, muscle / joint pain, breast swelling, and decreased sexual ability could be serious or dangerous and should get medical attention quickly.
Guidelines before taking Tagamet
Tagamet treatment requires the taking of certain precautions, primary of which is that you should be cautious about using machinery or driving. This is because Tagamet can sometimes cause you to become drowsy. For this same reason, alcohol should also not be taken. The drugs effect during pregnancy has not been ascertained and so should be prescribed to pregnant women only if the benefits are more than Tagamet side effects.
What are the common dosages of Tagamet?
It is possible to buy Cimetidine drug in tablet form in strengths of 300mg, 400mg and 800mg. Syrup and injections are also available as Cimetidine HCl.
Difference between Brand Tagamet and Generic Cimetidine
GlaxoSmithKline formulated and received approval for marketing of branded Tagamet. On the basis of this approval, other pharmaceutical companies came up with generic versions of Cimetidine. As the brand has been standardised, these generic alternatives come in different sizes, shapes, and colours of the tablets. There is also a difference in the pricing as generic drugs are generally cheaper than the brand.
Where and how to buy?
Though originally approved only for prescription sale, it is now possible to buy generic Tagamet online as an over the counter drug without prescription. You can also buy Cimetidine drugs from your local pharmacy. If you compare prices between these two options, you will find that online pharmacies offer you better discounts and prices. Plus, many of them will also deliver the medication to you overnight, which turns out to be a good deal for you. Not only can you complete your purchase from the comfort of your home, but also buy generic Tagamet online at the cheapest price.
Why is the price of Generic Tagamet / Cimetidine so cheap at
The reason is simple; sources all its generic medications directly from manufacturers and that too is big volumes. So we get good discounts on the already discounted prices of generic medications. We then combine this double discount to deliver the cheapest prices you can buy generic Tagamet online for.