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Clopidogrel BisulfateDescriptionYou can’t die from a broken heart. But you can die from a blood clot. When blood clots don’t kill, they can still cause heart attacks or stroke. Blood clots derive their destructive power by blocking or restricting blood as it flows through arteries. Clopidogrel Bisulfate takes away this power so blood flows freely, like it’s supposed to. ![]()
Blood is a key part of the circulatory system for a reason. Human blood is supposed to flow – like a river – through your veins, so it can reach your organs and other body parts that need it. When a river’s path is blocked by fallen limbs or dams or sediment buildup, it can’t get where it needs to go. That’s the same thing that happens to your blood when blood clots get in the way. A blocked river can cause devastating problems like flooding. Blocked arteries can also cause devastating problems like heart attacks, stroke, even death. Bulldozers and backhoes can dredge a river and resume its flow. But that kind of heavy equipment isn’t readily available for our all-important arteries. Healthier habits like exercise and proper diet can keep heart attacks and stroke at bay. Unfortunately, most people don’t have time for that. When taken as directed, Chemic can help and so can generic Chemic. Help arrives in the form of Clopidogrel Bisulfate, a chemical that reduces the formation of artery-clogging blood clots by interfering with blood platelets’ ability to stick together. Taken as directed generic Chemic even reduces the risk of future heart attacks and stroke. Like brand-name Chemic, it’s important to continue taking this drug until advised by your doctor to stop. Some patients discontinue treatment because they feel good and think they no longer need it. What they’ve forgotten though, is that Clopidogrel Bisulfate is one reason they feel better. Since you may need frequent refills, consider ordering Clopidogrel Bisulfate from 4rx.com. The company’s reorder discount program offers two great ways to save. You can receive a percentage off your order total (minus shipping). Or you can get additional pills. It’s your choice! ![]() |